Mohammed BELATAR

My name is Mohammed BELATAR, PhD in Computer Science specialized in HCI (Human-Computer Interaction). This is my personal web page for contact and communication with me.

My Resume

2016-Now : Teacher and Researcher in EMSI (Ecole Marocaine des Sciences de l’Ingénieur)

2012-Now : IT Manager in a Moroccan Startup: TECHNOLOGY & TELECOM

2010-2011 : Teacher and Researcher in EMSI (Ecole Marocaine des Sciences de l’Ingénieur)

2009-2010 : Post-Doc Engineer in France Telecom – Orange Labs

2005-2008 : PhD in Computer Science / Human Computer Interaction (New Mobile Interactions for users with severe Motor Disabilities) – FRANCE

2004-2005 : Master 2 in Human Computer Interaction – Specialization in Mobile Devices Interactions.

About Me

I am teacher in an engineering school and manager in a startup IT company.  I love coding and searching new solutions for any technical problems. At the same time, I am passionate about horse riding and related sports like show jumping. I love the contact with these exceptional beings and I spend a lot of time with them.


More info is coming soon